Work Experience

  1. Pneumatic Actuators

  2. Hydraulic Actuators

  3. Air Dryer Actuators

  • Performance Inspection  (On-Site & Plant Service)

  • physical Insperction ( Corrosion, Paint, Coating, Mechanical Damages ) ( On-Site & Plant Service )

  • Control Unit Inspection, Maintenance & Repair ( On-Site & At Plant Service )

  • Scoth Yoke & Cylinder Insperction, Maintencance & Repair ( applies to Hydraulic & Pneumatic Actuators only ) ( On-Site Service )

  • Seal & Sealing Ring Inspection & Renewal ( On-Site & At Plant Service)

  • Preasure, Leakage, function, Coating & Paint paint Test and certivications ( After maintenance, repair) (on-site service)

  • Upgrading the control unit rectification upon client request / needs (on site service)

  • Spare part Supply & Replacement ( On-site at plan service)

  • Disassambly & assembly processing ( on-site & at Plant Service)